Eid ul Fitr 2021: The sighting of the cresent moon decides when Eid ul Fitr will be celebrated
Eid ul Fitr 2021: Today is the 29th day of the Ramadan fast. The month-long Ramadan fast ends with Eid ul Fitr, one of the biggest festivals of the Muslims across the world. The cresent moon, which sets the exact date for Eid has not yet been seen in India. According to the Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Fatehpuri Mosque, Dr Mufti Mohd Mukarram Ahmed, Eid ul-Fitrwill be celebrated on May 13-14. It is believed that the last ten days of Ramadan carry special blessings for Muslims. The Night of Power or Laylat ul Qadr, the most auspicious night in the year, falls during this period.
Eid ul Fitr 2021: Ramadan moon sighting updates here
The cresent moon or the Ramzan moon sighting is very significant ahead of Eid ul Fitr and for the faithful there are special prayers known as Ramzan ka Chand dekhne ki Dua. Muslims recite a particular prayer whenever he or she sees the crescent moon of the new Islamic month. According to the islamicfinder.com, the Dua is: Allahumma ahlilhu alaina bil-yumni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, rabbi wa rabbuk Allah (O Allah, bring it over us with blessing and faith, and security and Islam. My Lord and your Lord is Allah.)
This year amid the second wave of the COVID-19, Masjid committees and across the country, have urged Muslims not to have mass prayers on Eid ul-Fitr. Clerics of the Masjids have appealed to the faithful in their area to offer prayers at home and celebrate the end of the month-long Ramadan fasting.
Ramadan is of great historical importance. The Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad during Ramadan and the conquest of Makkah also took place during this holy Ramzan month.
Eid Mubarak in advance!